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Thanks for considering contributing to Parsera!
This project is in the early stage of development, so any help will be highly appreciated. You can start from looking through existing issues, or directly asking about the most helpful contributions on Discord.


The best way to ask a question, report a bug, or submit feature request is to submit an Issue. It's much better than asking about it in email or Discord since conversation becomes publicly available and easy to navigate.

Pull requests

Installation and setup

Fork the repository on GitHub and clone your fork locally.

Next, install dependencies using poetry:

# Clone your fork and cd into the repo directory
git clone<your username>/parsera.git
cd parsera

# If you don't have poetry install it first:
# Then:
poetry install
# If you are using VS Code you can get python venv path to switch:
poetry which python
# To activate virtual environment with installation run:
poetry shell
Now you have a virtual environment with Parsera and all necessary dependencies installed.

Code style

The project uses black and isort for formatting. Set up them in your IDE or run this before committing:

make format

Commit and push changes

Commit your changes and push them to your fork, then create a pull request to the Parsera's repository.

Thanks a lot for helping improve Parsera!