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Custom playwright


With ParseraScript class you can execute custom playwright scripts during scraping. There are 2 types of code you can run:

  • initial_script which is executed during the first run of ParseraScript, useful when you need to log in to access the data.
  • playwright_script which runs during every run call, which allows to do custom actions before data is extracted, useful when data is hidden behind some button.

Example: log in and load data

You can log in to and get credits amount with the following code:

from playwright.async_api import Page
from parsera import ParseraScript

# Define the script to execute during the session creation
async def initial_script(page: Page) -> Page:
    await page.goto("")
    await page.wait_for_load_state("networkidle")
    await page.get_by_label("Email").fill(EMAIL)
    await page.get_by_label("Password").fill(PASSWORD)
    await page.get_by_role("button", name="Sign In", exact=True).click()
    await page.wait_for_selector("text=Playground")
    return page

# This script is executed after the url is opened
async def repeating_script(page: Page) -> Page:
    await page.wait_for_timeout(1000)  # Wait one second for page to load
    return page

parsera = ParseraScript(model=model, initial_script=initial_script)
result = await parsera.arun(
        "credits": "number of credits",

Access Playwright instance

The page is fetched via the ParseraScript.loader, which contains the playwright instance.

from parsera import ParseraScript

parsera = ParseraScript(model=model)

## You can manually initialize playwright session and modify it:
await parsera.new_session()
await parsera.loader.load_content(url=url)

## After page is loaded you can access playwright elements, like Page:'button').click()

## Next you cun run extraction process
result = await parsera.arun(